Sam Gmirek

Sam Gmirek
6th Grade/Middle School ELA

Sam Gmirek is Trinity’ sixth-grade homeroom teacher, middle-school ELA (English
Language Arts) teacher, and curriculum planner. Mr. Gmirek especially enjoys
designing student-centered activities that foster children’s love for reading and
writing. He feels blessed to serve the Lord through the Lutheran-school ministry.
Sam grew up in Wisconsin where he attended St. John’s Lutheran School in
Mayville from fourth through eighth grade. After high school he attended
Concordia University-Wisconsin and graduated with a degree in Secondary
Education-English. Mr. Gmirek has been teaching at Epiphany Lutheran School in
Houston, Texas, since 2020. He is excited to come home to Wisconsin to live and
Outside of the classroom, Sam enjoys being with his wife, Leah, and their two
cats. He also likes to hike, camp, watch movies, and golf. Sam is looking forward
to being around Wisconsin sports fans again and cheering for the Brewers, Bucks,
and Packers.
Sam lives by God’s reminder in John 8:31b-32.
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free.”