David Zuberbier

David Zuberbier
5th Grade / Middle School Math

 David Zuberbier, Trinity’s middle-school math teacher and dean of students, has a true love for teaching. Mr. Zuberbier is honored to participate in our mission to provide students with an excellent Christ-centered education.  

David was born in Bogota, Colombia, but raised by adoptive parents in Appleton, Wisconsin.  There he attended Immanuel Lutheran Church & School and Fox Valley Lutheran High School. David went on to graduate from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, with a degree in Elementary Education.

Initially Mr. Zuberbier served as principal at Peace Lutheran School in Bradenton, Florida, and then as dean of students at Wisconsin Lutheran School here in Racine. More recently, God led him back to the classroom at Renaissance Lutheran School, also in Racine. There he taught math and served as athletic director for two years before accepting a position here at Trinity. Continuing his education, Mr. Zuberbier completed his master’s degree in Education Leadership in the spring of 2022. He is now licensed as both an Administrator and as a Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

Mr. Zuberbier brings his unique sense of humor to the world of math as well as to middle-school life. Whether in the classroom, in the halls, at school events, or on the athletic field, David takes every opportunity to teach life lessons and prepare young Christians to serve their Savior.

Mr. Zuberbier enjoys family life with his wife, Ashley, and their son, Bentley. He also loves the outdoors, taking long walks, hiking, and, as a die-hard sports fan, cheering on all Wisconsin sports teams!

David takes great comfort in 1 Corinthians 10:13.

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."